DEAR SIR: You do not have to have a background in rural Ireland to understand the importance of agriculture to the Irish economy, and for the sustainable production of food for a growing population.

With specific regard to the production of beef, every indication suggests that the public supports Irish beef farmers in their efforts to secure a better deal. However, the overnight protests which occurred at central Dublin locations last week were a distinctly unfair measure taken by a relatively small group of farmers.

It is a positive product of our democracy that members of both the public and private sectors can engage in peaceful protesting, something which enabled the M50 “go slow” protest. But from a Government perspective, it would not have been possible to recognise those protests as being valid, taking into account they were not IFA supported.

The democratically elected IFA president and its executive body have the ability to affect agricultural policy at government level and are the designated group for the government to consult with. Without IFA support, the only outcome from last week’s protests was pointless disruption to the wider public.

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History repeating itself incorrectly