A meeting of the EU’s special agricultural committee on Monday 6 April is shaping up to be a pivotal moment in efforts to have the EU activate market supports for the agri food sector.

The Irish Co-operative Organisation Society (ICOS), which represents dairy co-ops and co-op marts, said member state representatives would discuss the impact of the crisis with the EU Commission at the meeting. Specific actions to be taken could also be recommended.

ICOS has lobbied Department representative on the committee to seek the activation of private storage aid schemes for butter, skimmed milk powder and all cheeses.

For the beef sector, ICOS wants public intervention to be opened.

However, the current intervention price, of €2,224/t or €2.22/kg, is below the cost of production. ICOS has recommended that the price to be significantly raised, to provide the necessary assistance for the sector.

Additionally, due to the particularly difficult situation for high-value beef cuts, ICOS supports a review of tariff rate quotas on imports into the EU of these products.

“While we recognise the need to maintain our international trade flows, the major changes in EU consumption must be reflected in our tariff rate quota management,” an ICOS spokesperson said.