Growers have the right to demand a split sample from delivered grain if they request it during delivery.

This could be a useful fall-back in the event of disputes arising from this broken harvest. A good and representative sample is very important.

Green grain is subject to price alterations based on moisture content and other quality specs. Moisture penalties apply above 20.5% but there is additional weight in the crop. Lower moisture is preferable because there is less energy expended hauling and removing water.

Green prices are based on 19.5% and 20.4% moisture. An old agreement between IFA and the trade set a price alteration of €2/t for each moisture point above and below the base level.

This is now apportioned on a 0.1% moisture basis. Growers should talk to their merchant in advance of delivering grain above 25% moisture.

Split samples can be analysed in any accredited laboratory but not all of these may have equipment to do specific weights, screenings, proteins etc.