
The last week has allowed a massive amount of work to be done.

Some counties got moving before others, with Tipperary and Cork farmers able to work a nice bit of last week, while rain stalled the start in other parts.

However, most people were moving in some way by Friday, and cultivations were well underway over the weekend.

Land has been slow to dry for many, with some unable to move into fields which needed a bit longer to dry, but there is great work being done now.

There is rain in the forecast, but hopefully just enough to give crops a good start, as there is plenty more work to be done across the country.

While some farmers are nearing the end of the sowing campaign, others have a lot of work to do.


The most important thing is that everyone comes home safe, so make sure you are taking your time at jobs like attaching machinery. Get sleep and eat well.


There is a seed shortage this year, and many merchants have no spring barley seed left. If you are increasing your seed rate, make sure you have enough seed to facilitate that increase or ring your merchant to see if seed is available before you increase the rate.

In late April, the target plant count is 325 plants/m2 and establishment is estimated at 90%. To get your seed rate, multiply the target plant count by the thousand grain weight and divide by the establishment percentage. This will give you the seed rate in kg/ha.

Fertiliser compounds

Any fertiliser compounds should be placed in the seedbed, but growers should also consider putting a large percentage of nitrogen in the seedbed as well to get the crop off to the quickest start possible.

Malting barley crops will need nitrogen as early as possible. Late nitrogen applications will drive up protein content, which could result in a fail at the weighbridge.


Any bean crops which have been drilled or are being drilled at present will come up quicker than usual, so make sure to get the pre-emergence spray on as quickly as possible. Ideally the ground should be rolled ahead of spraying.


Hopefully, those behind on winter cereal fertiliser have managed to catch up in the past few days. Any early-sown spring crops, there were a few, should have their nitrogen applied once the tramlines are visible. Growth regulator should be applied to winter barley by GS37.

Winter wheat

Some crops still need a T1 fungicide. It should be applied when the third last leaf is fully out. You will need an SDHI or a Qii (Questar) product, along with a triazole and Folpet.

You will need to use different chemistry on the T2 timing, For example, if you use Revystar or Ascra at T1, you might use Questar at T2 or vice versa, but you should not use the same product at both timings. The T2 spray should be applied to the flag leaf.